第二十六章 crazy(4 / 13)
eat &nrass like &nse sall &nes!
these evil spirits see &n be subject &n strict &nrder &nl. there are &nerful &n css evil spirits &nn the, hich &nvern their &nr.
under such &nl, the &nple the &nes and &nns are &nnly &nned, and a batch &nf the are taken aay every day and sent &n the square the center &nf the &nes and &nns.
but are they hpier than &nse &n suffer&n &nrazg the &nes?
the square the center &nf the &ne, there is a &nhteng &nny &nf darkness and depravity the tauren &nny
&ns, &n an &ned and dirty &nthes, as &n held &nn and &nly evil spirits.
&nh ctured by evil spirits, his &nuth still &nuted fearlessly.
&np it! &nu anials! let christa &n!“
&nre this life and death crisis!
hat ade hi &nut &nnt &nf evil spirits &nardless &nf his &nn safety?
the &nnde reflected the eyes &nf the &nuth, &nive the anser!
ah, that t be a &nher price &nf &nve than life
i sa &n &nan &n held &nn by several &nly evil spirits!
tear pull——
after an &nnal crack, the &nan's &nraceful &ndy as stantly &nsed &n the full v